What is an Electronic Invoice, What is it for and What are its Benefits?

The digital transformation of the economy has led to a digitalization of all business processes.…

Computer Programmer, Web Developer: How To Invoice?

As a freelance computer programmer or web developer, you must know how to manage the…

Decision Support Systems: What They Are

In recent decades, the significant and rapid development of technologies and information technology has brought…

Industry 4.0: An ERP System Supports You In These Areas!

What Does Industry 4.0 Mean? The term Industry 4.0 depicts the progressions in data and…

HubSpot Sales: The Most Powerful Features

In the HubSpot group of programming, we request Center Point Deals, a specific stage for…

How To Define A Digital Selling Strategy

Below, we report some essential efforts aimed at evolving the sales approach. The sellers' process…

Reverse Mentoring: What It Is And How To Use It In The Company

First day of actual work after a week of orientation and induction. You can't wait…

Why Invest In Design And Usability For Your Website?

If you are creating a website, whether for personal or professional purposes, it is essential…

SMED, MES,& APS: The Right Combination To Reduce Setup

Reducing setup times has always been a crucial issue for many companies. Every possible intervention…

Business Profile For Instagram: How To Create An Account

Creating an Instagram profile for companies is essential to obtain concrete social activity benefits. This…