Getting Started With Azure OpenAI

OpenAI language models are now publicly available on Microsoft Azure - and they're surprisingly easy…

UX Design: Observe, Analyze, And Investigate

When dealing with the issue of developing an e-commerce platform or, more simply, a corporate…

Five Advantages Of Integrated ERP Systems For Companies

Professional service providers often rely on a combination of project management and financial software to…

AI In E- Commerce: Many Advantages To Consider

Considering that 97% of websites are inaccessible to the most fragile categories, AI in eCommerce…

Data Centers: Price Increases Seem Inevitable In 2023

After three years of successive crises, which have caused an increase in the costs of…

Remote Interview, How To Deal With It

How to do a remote interview? A lot also depends on the country where the…

Digitization Is Creating New HR Jobs

The digital transformation will create new professions in the next ten years: AI auditors, ethical…

Six Reasons To Use CRM

We operate in a global economy where businesses buy, sell and communicate in countless ways.…

How VSM Helps IT Corporate Governance Seek Optimization

Although there is increased adoption of Dev(Sec)Ops, IT organizations often face tensions (skills and availability…

Four Ways To Create General Terms And Conditions

Everyone who orders something on the Internet must read and confirm them. We are talking…