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Five Tips To Protect Yourself From Threats On Social Networks

Social networks are a powerful tool that hides many pitfalls. Here are the tips to protect yourself from threats on social networks. If you use Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, be aware that you are potentially exposed to risks. It is essential to have computer education to defend against the web’s threats. How often have we heard of identity theft, hacked profiles, and unauthorized payments? These misdeeds are often possible due to our lack of attention to the protection of our social accounts, which need to be looked after just like we do with our apartment or car.

The Most Widespread Threats

In 2021 there were over 18 thousand cases of theft of credentials for access to home banking systems, credit card numbers, and private keys of cryptocurrency wallets. The most common threats are:

  1. Phishing: is a system that exploits the vulnerability of your device to install hidden viruses to steal sensitive data. It consists of sending fraudulent communications that appear to come from a trusted source that prompts you to click on a link or download a file.
  2. Malware: malicious links found on social networks or untrustworthy sites installed on the device to take control of it.
  3. Catfishing: is a practice that consists of creating a false identity on social networks to deceive other users with a wrong name, which usually corresponds to a natural person (identity theft). A similar practice can also be applied to the damages of well-known brands.

5 Tips To Defend Against Threats On Social Networks

To be less exposed to risk, we can implement good practices to at least make the dirty work they want to do more difficult for hackers. The solution is never to avoid using technology but to use it consciously and protect yourself. Here, then, are the five tips to follow:

Use Two-Factor Authentication

If accessible, two-factor verification is one of the practices we should use for each help. This framework requests that we give at least two verification variables to sign into an application, account, or virtual private organization (VPN). To get to Facebook from another gadget, you want to enter just your email and secret word. It implies that you are not utilizing two-factor validation. 

On the off chance that dynamic, you should enter your email, hidden comment, and one-of-a-kind code shipped off you through message or notice. Along these lines, even the individuals who have your email and secret phrase can not sign in without first entering the code sent by Facebook. To initiate it on Facebook:

  1. Go to the security and access settings.
  2. Pick Use two-factor confirmation and snap Edit.
  3. Pick the security technique you need to add and adhere to the on-screen guidelines.

Use Different And Complex Passwords

Using a password like 1234 or the date of birth will make it easy for hackers to access it. The advice is to use different passwords for each service you use. If one profile is hacked, at least the others will be safe. Also, try to formulate complex, not predictable passwords that do not correlate with your life. Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters for a secure password. Take the time to change them now and then. You could change them, for example, every six months or every year—the more frequent the change, the better.

Find Out About Any Violations Of The Sites

Hackers target the social networks themselves, managing to access the database containing user information (email, password, date of birth, bank details, etc.). It is good to monitor news regarding these possible violations and act accordingly. Online tools help us find out if our email address has been infringed in the past. 

Update The Security Settings

Just as recommended for passwords, try to update your security settings often. From time to time, go to the security settings of your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, or any other platform, and make sure you have set security to the highest levels.

Don’t Trust Too Much

As we have said, hackers often use the names of famous brands or your circle of friends or followers to get in touch with other users and trick them into pushing them to malicious sites. They can also pretend to be someone you know, asking you for money. Some bad guys pretend to be interested in buying something you are selling but ask you to pay unusually. So, could you not trust me too much? If you have even the slightest doubt, don’t click on any links and don’t download any files.

These are essential tips to protect yourself from threats on social networks. Generally speaking, be cautious. We should pay the same care and attention to our virtual life as we do to real life. Social networks are a powerful tool that allows us to inform ourselves, create connections, expand our knowledge, and share thoughts and skills, but we must learn to use them with conscience and awareness.


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