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Google Search Console: A Complete Guide For Everyone

Google Search Console: What Is It?

Whether you are an SEO expert, an advertising administrator, or a merchant moving toward the universe of online business interestingly, you will, without a doubt, require a dependable method for really looking at the soundness of your site. What number of individuals visit your site? In what position is it contrasted with that of your rivals? What searches does it show up on Google for?

With this aid, we will answer these (and other) questions and furnish you with every one of the apparatuses you really want to examine the presentation of your site and right any blunders. Google Search Console is free assistance presented by Google that permits you to screen the ordering status of sites and, thus, works on their permeability. Previously known as Google Webmaster Tools, it has gone through various changes and updates and is, until this point, the complete apparatus for natural site investigation.

Google Search Console: How To Use It?

After this brief introduction, let’s now see how to use this helpful service and what operations it allows to perform.

Sign In To Google Search Console

The initial step is to sign in to Google Search Console through a Google account. Whenever you have entered your login certifications, you will be provoked to enter the space or URL of the site you need to check. Now, it is essential to demonstrate to Google that you are the proprietor (or director) of the area through one of a few confirmation techniques:

  1. upload an HTML file to your site;
  2. add a meta tag to the home page of the site;
  3. through Google Analytics;
  4. through Google Tag Manager;
  5. by associating a DNS record with Google.

Once logged in, you can start monitoring your website data.

Performance Overview With Google Search Console

Under the item Performance, we immediately find some helpful information on the performance of your website:

  1. total clicks, i.e., the time clients tapped on the aftereffect of a Google search that prompted your site;
  2. total impressions, the number of times your site appeared in Google search results;
  3. CTR average, the numerical normal between the times your site showed up among the outcomes and the number of snaps got by clients;
  4. Average position of your site in the search results.

Furthermore, thanks to the graph that shows the data in the table visually, you can have the first general indications of the progress and effectiveness of your site for a certain period. Also, in the R endimento section, you can view the list of searches for which your site has appeared in the Google results by clicking on the section dedicated to Queries. This is one of the essential sections of Google Search Console as it gives you access to a wealth of beneficial information.

By changing the visibility and the order (ascending/descending) of the four parameters we talked about previously, you can obtain relevant data, for example, on which words, searched for by users, have made your site appear several times or which explores they have generated the most significant volume of traffic to your domain. In the Pages section, it is possible to view the list of the site pages that have received the most incredible visibility and the most significant number of clicks. 

The Dates section allows you to compare different periods. In this way, it will be easy to monitor the site’s progress over time. After selecting the desired period, in the Pages section, the list of URLs present on the site will be shown, the number of clicks in the specified period, the number of clicks in the previous period, and the difference between these two values: a positive value highlights increased traffic. In contrast, a negative value shows a decline.

Keyword Analysis With Google Search Console

Another interesting aspect of Google Search Console consists in the possibility of analyzing a fundamental element, from an SEO perspective (but not only), for excellent positioning of the site: the keywords. In the previous chapter, we saw how important it is to intercept searches that users make on search engines to appear among the latter results.

This happens using keywords that the search engine associates with your site (as long as it respects a series of particular rules ) and which are therefore essential to consider. The choice of keywords must therefore be made accurately. Google Search Console helps us by being able to see the keywords that have brought the most significant volume of traffic to your site so far and those that can become potentially important in the future.

It is possible to identify keywords with many searches that position your site on the second page of the search engine (in positions between 11 and 20). By acting on these “potential” keywords, you can increase the incoming traffic in a targeted way. By clicking on one of the keywords in the Pages section, it will be possible to see which pages contain those keywords, which can then be optimized to “move up the rankings.”

Index New URLs With Google Search Console

Up until this point, what has been said is substantial for all present on your site. In any case, imagine a scenario in which we needed to add new material. Whenever another page is made or refreshed, advise Google of the news involving the Request for ordering command. Utilizing the URL Inspection choice, you can check that the page is recorded accurately.

For Proper Indexing With Google Search Console

After breaking down the primary Google Search Console devices’ working, we see a few decent practices to list your site accurately. The central angle to “help” Google is to make a sitemap, a nitty-gritty guide of the site structure that should be embedded into the site and told to Google Search Console under the Sitemap thing. To stay away from the web index punishing your space (or a particular URL of the field), it is fundamental to try not to commit a few errors and, even for this situation, Google Search Console helps us by post:

  1. pages containing mistakes (and therefore impossible to index);
  2. valid pages;
  3. pages that are valid but with warnings (indexed but containing errors);
  4. pages intentionally excluded from indexing.

To find out what these errors are and how to avoid them, please consult this article. We conclude by introducing a concept that has assumed, in the eyes of search engines, more and more value over time, to the detriment of design (and not only): the User Experience. The Experience section of Google Search Console does just that and provides valuable information to improve the user experience within the pages of your site. Some aspects taken into consideration are:

  1. the speed of the site;
  2. its interactivity and visual stability;
  3. mobile optimization.


The last section analyzed is Safety and manual actions. This section contains any problems related to the site’s security, such as dangerous or corrupt content, any manual steps, or reports of violation of quality standards. With this in mind, we also recommend that you check the links (especially incoming ones) to your site. The Links section allows you to check which sites have links pointing to your site.


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