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How To Find Work By Learning To Code

Becoming a programmer is a choice that almost always guarantees employment: here are which languages ​​to learn and in which fields to work while studying programming. The value of coding, the computer programming language, has gone beyond the know-how of IT experts to become an essential professional skill today and in the future. 77% consider this skill necessary to succeed in the digital economy, and 73% say this is the right time to learn. 86% of workers worldwide ask employers for training more in line with market developments, and 22% believe learning a computer programming language is essential.

Programming: The Trump Card In The Digital Economy

Learning to code represents one of the best investments to find work in a sector that knows no crisis and which, according to data from the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), will grow by 6.6% in Italy by 2030. Knowing languages programming could be beneficial regardless of the profession you want to carry out. Knowing how to program implies the knowledge of specific IT and technological structures (as well as a particular mindset) that could open the doors to countless career opportunities. Each year, specialized rankings such as TIOBE or PYPL compile the list of the most popular programming languages ​​based on research. The most used in 2022 are:

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. JavaScript
  4. C / C ++
  5. C #
  6. PHP
  7. R.
  8. Swift
  9. Kotlin
  10. MATLAB
  11. Go
  12. Ruby
  13. Dart
  14. Rust
  15. Ladder
  16. TypeScript

Which Programming Language To Learn

Nowadays, starting to program is within everyone’s reach. You only need a computer (or a smartphone) to take the first steps. The advice is to learn a language and then deepen the knowledge of another 2 or 3 to increase the attractiveness on the market. In any case, the type of software or app to be developed will influence the choice of which programming language to learn. To find your way around, you need to know that, in principle:

  1. Startups or companies offering apps via the web mainly use Python and JavaScript;
  2. Larger companies tend to develop their internal software using C # or Java and their web applications in PHP;
  3. Data analysis programs use the R and MATLAB programming languages;
  4. Hardware devices, such as those in the automotive and healthcare industries, run software written in C, C ++, or Rust;
  5. Cloud-based applications use Go or Scala;
  6. The most popular programming languages ​​for mobile apps are Swift and Kotlin;

According to Coding Nomads (a site specializing in job postings for programmers), the most requested language by employers on LinkedIn is Python, followed by Java and JavaScript. Practice is everything: companies are more interested in experience and skills (both technical and aptitude, such as soft skills) than in the curriculum of candidates. For this reason, it is essential to create an online portfolio of your projects and post them on developer communities such as Github and Stack Overflow to demonstrate your value and communicate it to potential employers.

What Jobs To Do If You Know How To Program

One of the first professions that come to mind when it comes to programming is that of the web developer: a job that consists of creating websites and web applications from scratch, writing the code and carrying out tests and maintenance to ensure the proper functioning of the platform. Software developers have the task of designing the program, building it, carrying out all the necessary tests to eliminate bugs and errors, installing the software on corporate devices, or preparing them for distribution to the general public.

Another field to focus on linked to programming is apps for mobile devices, a market in an explosive growth phase like that of video games. In addition to actual programmers, programming languages ​​are also used by other professionals in the digital world. These include cybersecurity experts, who must guarantee the security of computer systems and online platforms by verifying possible vulnerabilities and making the necessary changes to prevent and avoid hacker attacks. C, Ruby or Python are part of the skills needed to do their job. The work of the data scientist is not strictly related to computer science. 

Still, it uses statistics, economics and marketing knowledge, such as programming languages ​​(R or Python). The role of programming languages ​​is and will become increasingly crucial for companies wishing to remain competitive in a data-driven world. The project managers manage the available budget and decide the times to carry out the project. This requires a great variety of skills so that it is possible to communicate without problems with the professionals involved in the project. Knowing the basics of programming allows you to better interface with programmers and software engineers and to study issues analytically by identifying alternative solutions. 

Beyond the advertising aspect and sales techniques, the figure of the marketer must be able to analyze web and social traffic data, know technical and creative writing techniques and know how to set up online advertising campaigns: necessary, therefore, knowledge of the basics of web programming ( HTML language, for example) that allow you to extricate yourself from CSS, SEO and everything related to digital marketing.


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