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How To Use Google Ads For E-Commerce

To increase site sales by promoting your business through paid advertising campaigns, you can use Google Ads for e-commerce: find out how it works and how to use it. For eCommerce, Google Ads is a handy digital marketing tool. The platform owned by the Mountain View giant allows you to promote your business more effectively through paid advertising campaigns. In this way, target traffic is conveyed to the site, and the best conditions are created to increase product sales. On Google, people generally look for precise information or ideas on what to do, where to go and what to buy. 

Therefore, using Google Ads for e-commerce means having the opportunity to be found by users (potential customers) correct when looking for products similar to those for sale on your site on the search engine. To take advantage of all the advantages of Google Ads, however, it is advisable to use it correctly, avoiding errors that could make your advertising investments on the platform useless or counterproductive. This guide aims to explain how Google Ads works and promote e-commerce effectively.

How Google Ads Works

On Google Ads, it is possible to create paid advertising campaigns, which appear within the search engine and on the web pages of affiliated sites. The choice of the advertising objective is fundamental. Among the various primary purposes envisaged by the platform is “increasing sales and registrations on the website”. In addition to the goal, you need to choose the target, create the advertisement and set the maximum limit for the monthly budget. Google Ads allows you to select the budget you intend to invest. 

There is no minimum charge, and, therefore, the service can be used for practically any amount. Furthermore, payment occurs only when users interact with the advertisement, and it is possible to stop the campaign at any time. There are different types of Google Ads campaigns: the “basic” types are campaigns on the search network (generally they are ads in text format), drives on the Display network (usual ads in illustrated form, published on apps and sites visited from advertiser’s customers) and video campaigns (video ads that appear before or while playing content on Youtube).

How To Use Google Ads For E-Commerce Effectively

The goal of Google Ads campaigns for e-commerce is, for obvious reasons, to increase website visits. Therefore, the landing page’s setting, the “landing” page on which users land once they click on the advertisement, is a fundamental step. This page can be a specific product sheet (if you are advertising a particular product), the page relating to an entire category of products or a page created ad hoc for a special promotion.

In this regard, it should be noted that when it comes to a landing page to conclude the sale of a product or to facilitate the request for a quote, it is more appropriate to talk about a sales page. The advice for those who have to create one is to highlight the advantages guaranteed by purchasing that specific product. Another crucial step is choosing the right keywords. The keywords serve the specific purpose of intercepting user searches on the search engine and, therefore, optimizing the advertising investment, reserving the ads to people interested in the products present in the e-commerce.

The first tip is to choose a balanced number of keywords. We must not exaggerate: the risk is to intercept an audience that is too large and not interested in what is proposed. The same risk occurs when choosing keywords that are widespread but too generic. On the contrary, opting for specific and targeted keywords (i.e. focused on your buyer personas, i.e. the representations of typical buyers of the product you are promoting) is a solution that may prove to make the most of your advertising investments.

The “winning” strategy is to identify the keywords that your typical buyer uses in the search engine and integrate them with more specific search terms. It would also help avoid keywords that cost too much per click. Google Ads is based on an auction mechanism: when a potential customer searches for a term that matches the keyword chosen by the advertiser, the ad participates in an auction to determine whether it will be published or not.

The cost of each keyword is different based on the quality of the keyword itself, the competition in the auction and several other factors. To make your Google Ads campaigns effective for e-commerce, the advice provided by the platform itself (and which, for this reason, we must never forget) is to make sure that the keywords and landing pages are closely related to the terms that the potential customers might be looking for.


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