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What Is Robots.txt, And How Does This File Work?

The robots.txt file contains directions for bots and insects that let them know which Web pages they can access and slither and which not to. The robots.txt document is highly applicable to web search tools overall and the web search tool Google specifically.

Utilizing it will assist the web index with understanding which pages on your website you need to slither and which pages won’t creep. The article will discuss the robot’s document, its utilization, and its significance for natural advancement. Above all, it is fundamental to comprehend what the robots.txt document is.

What Is Robots.txt?

The robots.txt file is a set of provisions for spiders and bots. This file is included in the source files found on most internet sites. Robots.txt files are primarily intended to handle the operations of well-intentioned bots (such as search engines). Still, they are not designed to affect malicious bots that don’t listen to the instructions in the file. Think of the robots.txt file as a code of conduct at the gym; some will listen to the instructions, and some won’t.

A bot is an automated software that interacts with sites and applications. There are good bots and bad bots. A search engine spider is a bot with good intentions. This bot scans internet pages and adds them to the index so that they appear in search results. The robots.txt file helps manage the activities of these internet scanners, so they don’t overload your storage server and prevent an index of pages that shouldn’t be there (thank you page, privacy policy, etc.)

How Does The Robots.txt File Work?

The robots.txt file is just a text file with no HTML code (and therefore, its suffix is ​​text). The robot file is stored on your server like any other file on the site and can be viewed by typing the site’s URL and adding robots.txt/. For example The file isn’t linked to anywhere else on the site, so it’s likely everyone will only stumble upon it if they type in its specific URL. Most search engine spider bots will try to crawl this file before other site files. It is essential to specify that if you have a subdomain on your site, it must have its robots.txt file. 

For example, separate files and A robots.txt file gives instructions to the bot but cannot enforce them. Good search engine bots will try to find the file when they arrive at the site to operate as instructed. Malicious bots will either ignore the robots.txt file or process it to see pages you’ve defined not to crawl on your site. The spiders crawling the file act on the more specific instructions in the file, so if it contains contradicting instructions, the crawling bot will execute the more detailed instruction.

Protocols And Orders In The robots.txt File

A protocol is a format for giving instructions or commands. Robots.txt files use a few different protocols. The primary protocol is called Robots Exclusion. It is the way to tell bots which internet pages and resources to avoid. In WordPress sites, the immediate protocol is included in the file. The second primary protocol is the Sitemap protocol. In this protocol, the sitemap files present to the robots which page to crawl, and this helps ensure that all relevant pages on your site are crawled.

More Instructions In Robots

User Agents

Represents scan instructions for a specific robot. In the user-agent, we will write the name of the robot we want to scan the site. You can allow all bots to crawl your site by marking an asterisk in the user agent. This command is intended for people who want only specific search engines to crawl their site. Popular bots in search engines that you can type in the robots.txt file:

  1. Googlebot
  2. Googlebot-image (photo)
  3. Googlebot-news (news)
  4. Googlebot-videos (movies)
  5. bing bot
  6. MSNbot-media (photos and movies)
  7. Baiduspider


The most common command in robots. The command tells bots not to crawl a page, folder, or group of folders on your site or server. Viewing pages to which this command is applied is not necessarily forbidden. They’re irrelevant to browsers (like the WordPress admin panel – wp-admin). You can use the disallow command in a few ways:

  1. Blocking a single page – the Disallow command for a single internet page is executed when sending a file with the command and after an internet page from the site. For example, if you want to block crawling of the article How to stop spam requests in the contact form in WordPress sites: Disallow: blog/security-blog/contact-form-spam-in-WordPress/
  2. Locking a folder – sometimes, it will be more efficient to lock a folder of pages from the site than to write all pages separately. For example: Disallow: /_file/
  3. Access is open to everyone – this command effectively says that robots and spiders can crawl all parts of the site. The command is: Disallow:
  4. The whole site blocking is possible with a single command in the file to ask all search engines to secure all pages in the area. The command is: Disallow: /


The Allow command is the opposite command of Disallow. The command tells bots they can access an internet page or library. This command helps you assign bots to crawl a specific page or folder while all other commands in the file are labeled Disallow.


This operation will delay bots’ crawling to decrease network resource load. The process lets you indicate how long the scanning robot should wait between requests in milliseconds. The Google search engine does not recognize this operation but can be defined directly via the Search Console.


The site map protocol helps bots know what their crawl should include. To enter the protocol in the robot.txt file, you must write: Sitemaps: and then enter the site map, which can be found in Google Search Console.

How Do You Create A robots.txt File?

The two most efficient ways to create a robot file on your site are by hand or through an SEO tool. To make a robot file by hand, you have to open a text file (WordPad) on your computer, type the desired commands and then upload it to the server or via an add-on. Be careful that the filename remains robots.txt when uploading it and that you only upload one file. Creating a robots.txt file using an SEO tool is very simple. 

To create a file of this type with the Yoast SEO tool, click on Yoast in the WordPress menu, then click on Edit file, and finally click the Create robots.txt file button. The file was created and uploaded to the server by clicking a button. To check if you have successfully created a robot file for the site, check with the robots.txt Tester tool or open the file in your browser with your domain address and then add /robots.txt to the URL.

In Conclusion

The robots.txt file tells search engines which pages to access and which not to access. Keeping some of the pages on your site private and preventing them from being crawled is essential for SEO and site promotion because there are pages on your site that shouldn’t appear on the search network, and surfers have no reason to enter them. The most common pages are the folders in the management panel (wp-admin), the thank you pages, pages without content, the privacy policy, and others.

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