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Data Visualization: The SUCCESS Rules

The initial segment of our blog series introduced benefits and tips for clear information perception for organizations’ announcing. Be that as it may, are there likewise unambiguous guidelines or norms for significant and effective representation? Information perception – or information representation – makes it more straightforward to pursue information-driven choices. This is the thing you want to be familiar with.

What Is Data Visualization?

Data Visualization alludes to the introduction of information in a graphical organization. Visual handling lessens the information commotion, making perceiving outrageous qualities and examples more straightforward. Information representation can uphold chiefs’ better-ordering patterns and settle on information-driven choices on this premise.

Draw Attention To What Is Important – Thanks To The SUCCESS Rules

Successful communication in the business area is based on uniform visualization rules. An example of such a set of rules is the International Business Communication Standards or ICBS. They help improve the design of diagrams, tables, and graphics in terms of content, semantics, and visual perceptibility. Another important aspect is to concentrate on the essentials. After all, the main goal of a report is to present the most relevant statements to the reader quickly and in a way that is easy to understand. The seven SUCCESS rules help here.

What The Abbreviation SUCCESS Means:

Behind the IBCS SUCCESS Rules are seven design rules specifically for financial information. This is intended to standardize reports, graphics, and associated tables and make them easier to read for the recipient. These standards can also be applied to business reports and presentations.

  1. SAY – Reports should contain a message
  2. UNIFY – The individual parts of the report must be consistent
  3. CONDENSE – The information density should be high (instead of one graphic per page, display many similar pictures on one page)
  4. CHECK – Visual Integrity Matters! This means that everything that is presented must also be correct. A thorough examination of the data is therefore essential.
  5. EXPRESS – The selected type of data visualization must be chosen to match the respective statement. Diagrams should not only be beautiful but, above all, legible. 
  6. SIMPLIFY – Reports should only contain the essentials. Superfluous should be avoided.
  7. STRUCTURE – The structure and content of the report must be logically structured.

The IBCS SUCCESS rules are divided into three sections:

  1. Conceptual limitations: Ensure that the statements are understandable and structured. This includes the rule groups SAY and STRUCTURE
  2. Perceptual powers: Ensure that the correct form of data visualization is selected on the one hand and that only the essentials focus on the other. (EXPRESS, SIMPLIFY, CONDENSE and CHECK)
  3. Semantic rules: Ensure that the individual messages and statements in a report are clear and consistent. (UNIFY)

What Advantages Do The SUCCESS Rules Offer?

Specifically, the visualization standards help to focus on the essentials. The messages of the report are presented and understood. The presentation of the financial and annual reports appears more uniform and transparent due to the standardization. The right choice of visualization means avoiding misinterpretation of tables, graphics, and diagrams, and simultaneously, complex relationships are presented quickly and understandably.

How Is SUCCESS Implemented In The Company?

The first step to successfully implementing the IBCS SUCCESS standards is the creation of acceptance within the company and the workforce. Since the visualization rules are to be introduced company-wide and are generally applicable, creating a notation manual based on the IBCS definitions is advisable. Many consulting agencies with IBCS-certified employees can also help implement the standards. There is also a large selection of lectures and seminars on the subject.


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