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Google: The Most Widespread And Effective Search Engine

Google is the search engine used daily by millions of users worldwide. To use it at its best, you need to know hidden features and functions in detail. Here’s what they are. Google needs no introduction. Anyone who has had a computer, a tablet or a smartphone in their hands has, in all probability, found themselves at least once doing an online search and browsing through the pages, images and videos returned by the engine. 

To learn how to exploit the possibilities of Google better, however, it is essential to go beyond the classic activity of keyword computation. For example, it is beneficial to learn what search filters are and how they work. Similarly, it is helpful to dwell on the concept of “image search “, which, on Google, lends itself to different interpretations. Finally, it is advisable to deepen the knowledge of the keywords above or search keys: terms that open up a real-world of opportunities. Keywords are an essential element, both in research and in content creation. 

How Google Search Works

  1. To search in Google in an informed way, it is advisable to have at least a general idea of ​​how a search engine operates. From this point of view, Google works alternating three different phases.
  2. The first phase is that of crawling, where the system uses crawlers to search for pages on the web and then stores their URL addresses in a list that will be examined later.
  3. The second phase is indexing. In this phase, Google visits all the pages identified during the crawl and analyzes their content. The search engine views texts, images and videos and stores all the extrapolated information in its gigantic database.
  4. The third and last phase is that of publishing the results and is activated when a user enters specific search terms or when he sets up an image search. Google analyzes the user’s search and relates it to its database. It then provides a list of responses, organized according to different criteria. 
  5. The process is immediate for the user. An Internet user has to do is enter specific keywords in the appropriate bar: keywords that will help the engine to direct the search
  6. It is possible to conduct a generic search to obtain all the suggested results. Alternatively, it is also possible to set search filters if you only want to find images, videos or news.
  7. For the rest, Google itself will interpret the user’s needs, providing results in line with his expectations. 

What Is Google Image Search

  1. Analyzing the search filters, we have seen how Google allows you to restrict the field of your responses to pages containing images or videos. To activate this kind of filter, the user needs to click on the items of the same name: “Images” and “Videos “. 
  2. However, another Google function, known as the image search, should not be confused with the filters above because it works in an almost diametrically opposite way. The so-called Google Search Image does not serve to request answers in the form of .jpeg files rather than .png. On the contrary, it is used to search starting from an image.
  3. The Google image search can only be carried out starting from a specific internet address: Furthermore, to carry it out, it is necessary to use one of the compatible browsers, such as Firefox, Safari, and, of course, Chrome. 
  4. Even if you want to carry out an image search on Google from a mobile device, you must ensure that you have installed a sufficiently updated version of your browser or the Google app. 
  5. To start a search by images, you need to insert a photo in the bar generally dedicated to text search keys. To do this, click on the icon representing a camera, which will appear to the right of the search bar.
  6. At this point, the user will be faced with two possibilities. The first, called “Paste URL Image”, requires the address of a web page containing the image to be entered to set the search.
  7. The second possibility, called “Upload an Image, ” allows the user to directly choose the image in question by browsing inside their device. So by clicking on “choose file”, you enter directly into the menus and folders of your computer or smartphone. 
  8. Once the image search has started, Google will provide many different results, including the web pages on which the image in question was published. Likewise, the search engine could suggest similar images or indicate search results relating to any objects present within the image.
  9. One last interesting aspect to underline about image research concerns keywords. Once the uploaded image has been processed, Google will automatically fill in its search bar with one or more keyword words.
  10. Starting from these terms, the user can also carry out a “classic” search, filtering the proposed results in the manner already analyzed in the previous paragraphs. 

Search Images With Google Lens

Searching for images from a website is only one of the methods currently provided by Google. In fact, over the years, the company has developed various alternative solutions that take into account users’ habits. Today, the vast majority of searches are done from mobile devices. Therefore, here is why Google has thought of an image search that presently involves smartphones and tablets. Google Lens can recognize different elements of the natural world captured in a photo. 

It is, therefore, a biological visual recognition system based on a relatively advanced artificial intelligence. In this case, however, all the structural complexity of Google Lens translates into an incredibly intuitive process for the user. To activate it, it is sufficient to frame any element with the camera of a smartphone or tablet.  Before taking the photo, however, it will be necessary to select the Google Lens icon, easily identifiable on both Android devices and iPhones: an icon that represents a magnifying glass positioned inside a square frame. The user will have to click on the classic shutter button: in this case, however, the device will not take a photograph. 

It will start searching directly in Google, following a conceptually similar process to that of the image search already described.  The application will recognize certain elements and conduct targeted searches within its database. However, the user can direct the inquiry by suggesting specific categories before clicking on the click button. Categories such as the generic “Search” and the more specific “Purchases”, “Places”, or “Where to Eat” are similar in all respects to search filters: in fact, they ask Google to reduce the range of responses based on a selected input.

Other categories, on the other hand, call for slightly different functions. By clicking on “Text”, Google will automatically select the text present in the shot, which can then be copied and pasted into an external document. By selecting “Translation”, it will be possible to activate a service very similar to Google Translate. The user must indicate the language in which the framed text was written and can ask the search engine to translate it into hundreds of different languages.  Finally, it is essential to underline that Google Lens can also be activated starting from an image taken previously. Open the photo in question from your Gallery on Android smartphones, and then click on the classic “More” button, generally represented by three vertical points. 

Search Google With Keywords

To talk about the various activities available within Google, reference has been made several times to the term “keyword”.  The keywords, or search keywords, are single words or phrases inserted into the Google bar, allowing the engine to start its activity of identifying and proposing results.  Any term entered within the above bar can be considered a keyword for a search engine. When we talk about search keywords, we often implicitly refer to the various principles that should push us to focus on one sequence of words rather than another.

Not surprisingly, talking about keywords often leads to talking about SEO, or Search Engine Optimization: a set of activities designed to improve the positioning of a page within the results proposed by a search engine like Google.  As it is easy to guess, choosing the right keywords is crucial for the user and his interests. It is a multi-faceted procedure, which, however, Internet users now carry out almost unconsciously.


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