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Create An Engaging Advertising Campaign On Instagram

Creating a campaign on Instagram is essential for companies that want to increase their conversions: here is a guide that explains how to do it. Instagram is one of the most used social networks in the world, and those involved in advertising campaigns know very well the importance of promoting their products or services on this platform. Thanks to social media, companies can make themselves known to a large audience, managing to reach millions of people with a single post.

Both small merchants and large multinational companies seek to exploit the audience of Instagram, the application that has made the visual impact its number one feature. It is known that images affect users much more strongly than reading. A text must be read. The idea is also perceived passively, without the user having a particularly active role, as can happen with reading. Meta’s proprietary platform also offers countless types of visual content. From stories to carousels to short videos: Instagram allows you to make a product known from many different points of view. Here is a quick guide on creating an Instagram advertising campaign.

Targeting And Objectives: Profile Your Audience

Before even defining the type of content you want to produce and the funnel to follow, it is essential to know the target audience, that is, the audience you are targeting. To effectively profile your audience, you need to understand who you want to target the brand and which categories of people are most interested in this business. When creating a sponsor on Instagram, Ads Manager helps thanks to the profiling tools. Ads Manager is a free tool offered by Meta to develop, manage and schedule advertising on your social networks. To log in, you must have a profile and create an advertisement. 

Within Ads Manager, users can select all the characteristics of the people who will see the ad. Demographics, behaviors, and interests are just some parameters that can be defined during the advertising phase. The campaign’s objectives must also be defined, which will go hand in hand with the chosen audience. Ads Manager allows you to choose between three macro categories: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion. Within these three areas, there are other objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, site traffic, and followers or generating a more significant number of conversions. The options must be consistent and follow a logical thread or funnel.

Design The Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel is the path companies push their customers or potential customers to purchase a product or service. A funnel is divided into several stages, varying according to the advertisement’s type and purpose. The most famous model is the AIDA funnel: Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. Each of these words indicates one of the stages of the funnel. At first, the customer is led to know the company or its product. During the second phase, we try to awaken his interest in a consequence he has already heard of. 

At that point, the company must trigger the so-called spring, generating the desire for the product in the possible customer. The fourth and last phase of the funnel is designed to push the person to act definitively, that is, to buy the product. The shape of a funnel is usually funnel-shaped. The reason is straightforward: during the first phase, the affected people will undoubtedly be more significant than those who buy the service or product. Not all people part of the first phase will carry on to the next. This is true for every funnel level, resulting in an ever smaller audience as you follow the acquisition path.

Editorial Plan And Design Of Creativity And Contents

When the time comes to write the contents, the first thing to do is to draw up a PED, which is an Editorial Plan. To report a creative and performing PED, you need to be clear about the campaign’s main objectives and identify the topics to be treated. A good practice is to make a monthly calendar one month in advance. This way, it will be possible to modify some content or add new ones based on what is happening in your sector and your company.

Once you have decided on the topics, it is time to choose the formats that best suit your purposes. On Instagram, you are spoiled for choice: from photos on feeds to reels, without forgetting carousels and infographics. Each format has its specific advantage. Reels are short videos that immediately catch the reader’s attention and can play on audio and visual elements. Photos are the classic format of Instagram, which allows you to enrich your feed and show products. Finally, the carousel can be very useful when showing more products or giving complex information.

Guide The Buyer Towards The Purchase Of The Products Or Services

A captivating and creative Instagram campaign allows you to increase company conversions. However, the preparation and creation must be done ad hoc, following every single step correctly and consistently remaining consistent with the brand’s values, the audience, and the type of campaign. The aim is to guide the buyer to purchase, accompanying him at every stage of his decision. It is the company’s task to awaken the interest of the possible customer with an ad hoc campaign explicitly designed for the phase of the funnel in which it is at that precise moment.

If you are selling physical products, the Shopping feature is a valuable ally at this stage. Through this function, Instagram allows users to create product catalogs. Each product has its specific page, where the photos and the object’s description appear. When the user creates a Shopping post on the platform, he can match the photo with a tag, which will send the customer back to the catalog page. This allows you to simplify the purchase process, eliminating the difficulty of switching from the social network to an external site.


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