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WhatsApp And Telegram For Marketing: A Comparison

Find the distinctions and shared characteristics of the two driving informing stages utilized today. WhatsApp and Wire are the two driving texting stages on the planet, two monsters that have been seeking strength in that market portion for quite a long time. What’s more, in the two cases, they are likewise helpful devices for showcasing organizations, channels that permit you to contact a possibly immense crowd straightforwardly. Here is an examination of WhatsApp and Wire according to the perspective of brands: qualities, shortcomings, variety, and characteristics.

Premise: WhatsApp And Telegram Are Complimentary

First, a premise must be made: WhatsApp and Telegram are not mutually exclusive. They are, in fact, two similar tools, but different from many points of view and for various functions. The point is not to choose one of the two tools but to understand how to use one and the other optimally. Both the platform included in the Facebook Inc. group and the Dubai-based company represent two precious resources for small and large brands, tools of the so-called advertising, a method of promotion based on direct communication with one’s contacts.

WhatsApp Business… And Telegram (For) Business

The first substantial difference concerns that the Zuckenberg application launched its version of the application dedicated purely to companies and called WhatsApp Business. The platform was created to provide commercial (and non-commercial) companies with direct contact with their public to share information immediately, manage the assistance and customer care service and offer services related to users. Surprisingly enough, Telegram doesn’t have its business version; the benefits for companies are the same that the brand provides to private users: they are companies, if anything, that have learned to understand how to use the app for their marketing.

Telegram And WhatsApp Business: The SIM

The structure of the two natural communication systems is substantially different. Telegram must not be connected to a phone number. Each Telegram profile is independent of the type of device chosen for its use and is associated with a username. Its classic version, WhatsApp Messenger, requires a phone number that cannot be related to private and business arrangements.

Communication With Users: The Differences Between WhatsApp And Telegram

Communicating with your contacts perhaps highlights the significant differences between the two platforms. Telegram offers the possibility of creating groups whose strength is that of vastness: it is, in fact, possible to develop supergroups that include up to 100,000 contacts: this makes Telegram an excellent tool for internal communication; On Telegram, it is also allowed to create your channels, which, however, are based on one-way communication in which users cannot interact. Therefore, the system is a hybrid between a newsletter and a social network. On the other hand, by importing the technology from the classic version, WhatsApp allows you to create groups of up to 256 people in which communication is two-way.

Marketing Tools

Both platforms include great marketing tools. From this point of view, Telegram highlights a greater versatility of its functions: the app offers a series of related services such as reminder and post scheduling, an ideal solution for promoting events, promotional campaigns, discounts, etc. WhatsApp, on the other hand, offers Broadcast groups, thanks to which it is possible to send messages in private chats to multiple contacts simultaneously, allowing for direct but automated communication simultaneously.

Privacy: The Strong Point Of Telegram

Users who declare their preference for Telegram are often pushed to make their choice due to an aspect in which the platform born in 2013 is undoubtedly more vital: privacy. As already anticipated, from that point of view, WhatsApp is penalized by the need to associate a profile with a SIM, which Telegram does not impose. In addition, the latter has two functions so dear to lovers of online privacy: the ability to create secret chats whose contents are not saved on the server; and the ability to self-destroy messages. WhatsApp also introduced this function only years later than its competitor.


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